跨专业考研的要求 需要什么条件

2023-07-13 综合百科 万阅读 投稿:366百科

跨专业考研的要求 需要什么条件

Warning: file_get_contents(http://www.baidu.com/sugrec?pre=1&p=3&ie=utf-8&json=1&prod=pc&from=pc_web&wd=跨专业考研的要求 需要什么条件): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request in /www/wwwroot/a.mdzmgc.com/chat.php on line 19
openai 请求错误:{"error":{"message":"Rate limit reached for default-gpt-3.5-turbo in organization org-ijMHwSpOmxPrYqHNyDCEjTzl on requests per min. Limit: 3 \/ min. Please try again in 20s. Contact us through our help center at help.openai.com if you continue to have issues. Please add a payment method to your account to increase your rate limit. Visit https:\/\/platform.openai.com\/account\/billing to add a payment method.","type":"requests","param":null,"code":"rate_limit_exceeded"}}